Ok, a couple of thoughts on this class from this morning. 1) Lord, I love the 6am crew of diehards. The commitment of getting up and getting it done and starting the day together brings me so much joy (side note: I do realize that some of you are up even earlier and out the door for work so early that even the 6am class isn’t early enough for you – I see you. #madrespect). I love that you 6amers approach every class with a sense of adventure and a “c’mon, give us your best shot” attitude. 2) The second thing is how bad I am at respecting the “anti-request.” The “please don’t hit legs (or shoulders, or core, or whatever).” The “don’t” doesn’t register in my brain and that’s literally all I want to do for the next hour. So, I’m sorry. I’m working on it. 🙂