Although ALL of my classes are Vinyasa (unless specifically noted as a different style, like Rebecca’s Ghosh), the following classes have a focus of Inversions.

Core-Driven Vinyasa

October 7th, 2022|

This class is exactly what it sounds like: Vinyasa with more than a healthy side dose of core worked in there, most in plank form 🙂 Enjoy!

Rocket Inspired Vinyasa (Level 1)

May 31st, 2022|

Don't be scared... Rocket is just another type of Vinyasa class and not too different than the Vinyasa classes that you're used to practicing with me. It does have a set structure though, so [...]

Vinyasa with headstands

May 19th, 2022|

Start with a ladder flow and then find a headstand or three, including funky headstand/

Side body ladder flow with handstands and arm balances

May 9th, 2022|

Well the title says it all. We work your obliques with lateral bending and twists. We take it upside down for handstands and arm valances throughout this class. There’s even an opportunity to find [...]

Sun Salutations A, B, C flow

May 8th, 2022|

Let's get moving! Starting practice with 15 sun salutes. 5 Sun As, 5 Sun Bs and 5 Sun Cs. That'll get the blood flowing 🙂

Side planks galore

May 8th, 2022|

OK, maybe not galore. But, lots of side planks. We also get into some inversions and flows right into crow and working on crow to tripod headstand and back again. [...]

Side bending vinyasa

March 8th, 2022|

Side body today and even taking it upside down and working it there.

Vinyasa with Core Activation

January 14th, 2022|

Here's something new for me: adding core work to a vinyasa class. Just kidding! I do that all the time. HOWEVER, this one is a little different core work than I've done previously. Apart [...]

Handstand Flow

October 1st, 2021|

LOTS of opportunities to go upside down in this flow. We also work core A LOT. For those of you like me who love to move fast, go upside down, get a full sweat [...]

Say hello to your serratus muscle

September 19th, 2021|

By request, we work the serratus muscle repeatedly in this class. Want to do jumpbacks, lolasana, and jump throughs? This is the muscle you need to strengthen. We also take advantage of being warmed [...]

Funky Dolphins and Inversions Vinyasa Flow

September 19th, 2021|

Meet my new kittens! Lol... they make a guest starring appearance in this class. Aside from giggling over their antics, we do some yoga. We work several variations of funky dolphin, headstand, and pincha. [...]

Vinyasa Yoga: Extra Core Ladder Flow

September 19th, 2021|

By request, this class has core thrown in throughout each flow. We keep it moving and build our ladder flow after flow. I love a good ladder flow! We also go upside down (of [...]

Dancer/Core Flow Vinyasa

August 17th, 2021|

We work lots of dancers into our flow. We also hit core pretty hard in this class, specifically the elusive iliopsoas. As usual we spend a little time upside down in handstand and pincha [...]

Vigorous Vinyasa

August 17th, 2021|

Lots of fun stuff happening in this vinyasa class. Twists, core, handstands, the works! Have fun with this challenging flow that has something for everyone.

Full Body Vinyasa with Handstands

July 18th, 2021|

This is a challenging fast-paced vinyasa class with lots of opportunities to upside down. Handstands and arm balances in abundance. We also hit lots of core in this one. Have fun! [...]

Ashtanga Half-Primary (Kinda)

June 18th, 2021|

Can you do the Ashtanga Primary Series in 60 minutes? Um... no, you can not. Not unless you speed it up by counting fast through the holds and skipping quite a few poses. Voila, [...]

Fun with Planks & Core

May 23rd, 2021|

The request this morning was LOTS of movement and extra core. Check and heck. This is a challenging class that is nonstop strength building. Of course it's still a vinyasa class and we flow [...]

Challenging Vinyasa Flow

May 19th, 2021|

Oh my, this is a fun (hard) class. It's full of challenging transitions with constant movement. If you are someone who doesn't particularly like holding poses (that's me!!), you'll like this one. That said, [...]

On location! All around Vinyasa class

May 14th, 2021|

Filming from the Riverwalk in San Antonio this morning. Join me for an all-around Vinyasa class and listen to the extremely loud birds in the background! �

Handstand/Pincha Vinyasa Flow

May 9th, 2021|

Friday handstand flow. We spend A LOT of time upside down in this class. A lot. Every flow has some kind of drill to get you upside down or build the strength to get [...]

Challenging Inversion Flow

May 9th, 2021|

ok, don't be intimidated by the title. Yes, this is a challenging flow with lots of opportunities to go upside down, but that doesn't mean you have to go upside down to do this [...]

Move, move, move

April 28th, 2021|

Sometimes I crave constant movement for an hour. No long holds. That's what this class does. We also do quite a lot of hip mobility work as we work towards 8 angle pose (Astavakrasana). [...]

Very Challenging (& fun!) Vinyasa

April 7th, 2021|

Ok, a couple of thoughts on this class from this morning. 1) Lord, I love the 6am crew of diehards. The commitment of getting up and getting it done and starting the day together [...]

Full Body Strength

March 19th, 2021|

LAWD! This is a relentless 60 minutes of vinyasa yoga. We spend extra time working core muscles (including glutes). We move a lot. We go upside down. Grab your hand towel, this one gets [...]