Can’t make it live, but want to practice with me anyway! Yay! I still hope you’ll join me live sometime, but I’m THRILLED we’ll still (kinda) practice together. These video classes are exclusive to members. They have been removed from YouTube. These are just for YOU! I will continue to add at least 2 new classes each week. Woot!

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No Handstand Vinyasa Flow

May 29th, 2021|

I know, I know... a Friday without handstands?! Sacre bleu! It is possible to do a challenging flow class without a handstand. I know you know that. But now you know I know that too! 🙂 Truth is, I have a little shoulder thing so I kept them out. That said, you an add as many as you want! We have lots of vinyasas in this class, so go upside down as much as you want. We do [...]

Post Ride/Run Hip Therapy (40 min)

May 23rd, 2021|

Ok, runners, cyclists, and anyone who spends too much time sitting or driving, this is a 40 minute hip stretching class. We get into that pelvic girdle from all angles.

Fun with Planks & Core

May 23rd, 2021|

The request this morning was LOTS of movement and extra core. Check and heck. This is a challenging class that is nonstop strength building. Of course it's still a vinyasa class and we flow a lot. We manage to sneak in some arm balances too, just not handstands beyond a few tuck jumps. Of course, you are always welcome to work them into your own practice.

Challenging Vinyasa Flow

May 19th, 2021|

Oh my, this is a fun (hard) class. It's full of challenging transitions with constant movement. If you are someone who doesn't particularly like holding poses (that's me!!), you'll like this one. That said, it's full of surprises. Enjoy!

On location! All around Vinyasa class

May 14th, 2021|

Filming from the Riverwalk in San Antonio this morning. Join me for an all-around Vinyasa class and listen to the extremely loud birds in the background! �

Twisting From Strength

May 9th, 2021|

This class is a MUST-TAKE-CLASS for all of my students. We work on twisting from a place of core strength, not just hooking an elbow and cranking (you know what I mean!). We also do a lot of oblique strengthening in this class so it's a heavy core class as well.

Handstand/Pincha Vinyasa Flow

May 9th, 2021|

Friday handstand flow. We spend A LOT of time upside down in this class. A lot. Every flow has some kind of drill to get you upside down or build the strength to get there some day.

Challenging Inversion Flow

May 9th, 2021|

ok, don't be intimidated by the title. Yes, this is a challenging flow with lots of opportunities to go upside down, but that doesn't mean you have to go upside down to do this class. HOWEVER, if you want to build the strength to one day go upside down, classes like this one will get you there. Lots of core and shoulder strength work happening.

Move, move, move

April 28th, 2021|

Sometimes I crave constant movement for an hour. No long holds. That's what this class does. We also do quite a lot of hip mobility work as we work towards 8 angle pose (Astavakrasana). This is a challenging flow, but it's pretty even and satisfying (at least for me 😉 it was).

All Around Flow

April 28th, 2021|

This is a vinyasa class that checks all the boxes. We work it all; we stretch it all. No major holds and no upside down time (although you're always welcome to work handstands into your practice! You don't need my permission!). You do you, boo 🙂

Mostly Core Vinyasa Class

April 21st, 2021|

This is a whole boat load of core. All the way around, 360 degrees, surface muscles and deep core, glutes and back. We do a few sun salutations too, but be prepared to spend a lot of time strengthening all of those muscles that give us balance, lightness, and fluidity in our practice. On the bright side, your shoulders are getting a break in this class, a much needed reprieve from recent classes. [...]

Open Up that Front Body and pick it up!

April 18th, 2021|

We have two focuses in this practice. We work a back bend into every flow with some big movements. We also use blocks to work on the foundations of picking it up for jump backs. MMMM.... raise your hand if you love lolasana! Oh wait, is that just me? 😉

Alignment Focused Vinyasa

April 14th, 2021|

By Request! This vinyasa flow class pauses and holds some of our foundational poses to really work on alignment and clean up our practice. I would call it a hybrid class. We do move quickly through some sections of this class, so if you're worried this is a slow class, that's definitely not the case. However, we do hold some poses. Holds are challenging when you're really focusing on alignment, so I would classify this as a challenging [...]

Level 1/2 Vinyasa

April 14th, 2021|

No fancy tricks in this class. A little less vigorous than our usual vinyasa classes. If you're in the mood for a class that isn't so punishing - with a little longer warm up and wind down - this is a good one. No matter what your level of yoga is.

Planks + Planks

April 9th, 2021|

So much shoulder and core work in this class. Your shoulders will be thanking me for days 😉 Please remember that you can always do plank work from your knees if your shoulders start to talk too much. This is a challenging hour. Even I was feeling my shoulders talk by the end (and that's saying something 😉

Very Challenging (& fun!) Vinyasa

April 7th, 2021|

Ok, a couple of thoughts on this class from this morning. 1) Lord, I love the 6am crew of diehards. The commitment of getting up and getting it done and starting the day together brings me so much joy (side note: I do realize that some of you are up even earlier and out the door for work so early that even the 6am class isn't early enough for you - I see you. #madrespect). I love that [...]

Creative Side Body Flow

April 6th, 2021|

This flow contains various different movements that will work your side body. We repeat the flow a few times, so you'll get better and better. Have fun! Enjoy!

Actively Stretch and Strengthen Legs

March 31st, 2021|

Although this is a full body vinyasa flow class, we do a lot of leg strengthening. We do it through repetitive half squats (skandhasana). I love this pose because it does double duty of stretching and strengthening (toning) those inner thighs.

Vinyasa Flow with Psoas stretching

March 30th, 2021|

We do a lot of psoas strengthening - probably more than you'd like #sorrynotsorry This is a little therapy for that. It's still a quick paced vinyasa once we get started, but we work a lot of opening in too. 🙂

Level 1/2 Vinyasa

March 25th, 2021|

A little less intense than my usual yoga variety. No handstands or arm balances. Just a smooth, stretchy, flowing Vinyasa class.

Twisting Flow with Lots of Stretching

March 25th, 2021|

This class is a balanced class between standing movement with flows and stretching on the mat. We twist in both active and passive ways. We work core. We do creative sun salutes. It's not the hardest class I've ever taught, but there are lots of opportunities to find a deeper engagement. This is definitely what I would call a mindful movement class.

Yoga for shoulder strength

March 24th, 2021|

Love Dolphin pose? Me too! This is an all around flow and Vinyasa class, but we do spend a little extra time in varying planks and holding dolphin pose. Your shoulders will feel this class, and I mean that in the best possible way 😉

Full Body Strength

March 19th, 2021|

LAWD! This is a relentless 60 minutes of vinyasa yoga. We spend extra time working core muscles (including glutes). We move a lot. We go upside down. Grab your hand towel, this one gets a little sweaty 🙂

Psoas work and arm balancing

March 18th, 2021|

This class is about building strength in your deep core muscles. We also spend some time working on a headstand, bakasana (crow pose), and eka pada bakasana (one-legged crow). It's a challenging class that will have you activating that elusive iliopsoas muscle.

Gentle Yoga 3

March 18th, 2021|

Slow down. Take care of yourself. Gentle classes are about recovery. Don't neglect that part of your fitness/yoga regime.