Can’t make it live, but want to practice with me anyway! Yay! I still hope you’ll join me live sometime, but I’m THRILLED we’ll still (kinda) practice together. These video classes are exclusive to members. They have been removed from YouTube. These are just for YOU! I will continue to add at least 2 new classes each week. Woot!

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Friday handstand flow ❤️

March 12th, 2021|

Grab your hand towel, this one gets sweaty. There aren't many classes where you'll see me step off my mat to turn off my space heater, but this was definitely one of them. Fun!

Shoulder Therapy & Heart Opening

March 11th, 2021|

By request! Lots of shoulder stretching and really getting into that shoulder mobility. If you spend time hunched over a keyboard, or your phone, or in the car, or take a lot of vinyasa classes, this one is for you. I'm typing this a few ours after this class, and my neck and shoulders feel great!

Glute & T.A. Activation

March 11th, 2021|

We start this practice with very intentional activation of glutes and transverse abdominis. Afterward, we move right into shoulder strength and core activation. We do a lot of rainbows, and if you don't know what that means, you're in for a treat. Your ass will thank you - not in the moment, but this summer in a swim suit 😉

Ladder Flow with side planks

March 6th, 2021|

I like this class. It's a medium pace. We don't hold poses forever, but it's not too frenetic either. We build strength and flexibility as we add to each flow. There are some opportunities to level up with challenge, but could easily be ignored 😉 Have fun and have a great weekend!

Yoga for Strength

March 4th, 2021|

This is a strength focused class. #sorrynotsorry 😉 We work upper and lower body strength. It's a little challenging, but it doesn't move as quickly as some of the other classes, so I guess it all depends on what you find challenging.

All Around Flow

March 4th, 2021|

This class hits all the bases without hammering any one particular body part. You're welcome 😉

Sun Salutes! A, B & C

February 26th, 2021|

What a week! If you haven't been taking classes with me live then you might not have had the pleasure of listening to me whine about the Peloton Power Zone Challenge that I'm doing, or my return to running. Boy, are you missing out 😉  Anyhoo, this body is tired and for me, that means that by Friday, I just want to move. I don't want to hold anything. I don't even want to think that much. I [...]

Gentle Yoga 2

February 26th, 2021|

Another Gentle Yoga class. I'm really enjoying teaching these. There will be four full length in total, but after I'm done with these four live classes (I'm subbing for another teacher), I will start doing 30-minute sessions. This class comes with a 5 minute gratitude meditation at the end.

Very Challenging Flow with Leg Strength Work

February 24th, 2021|

Oof... not gonna lie... I found this class hard. I don't know whether it was the incorporation of revolved half moon (one of my nemesis poses) into flow or whether I was just over worked from the week of exercise, but I was on the struggle bus a little on this one. I know that some of you LOVE to ride that bus, so if that's you, here you go 🙂 

Slower stretchy flow

February 22nd, 2021|

I wouldn't go as far as calling this a gentle yoga class, but it is way less intense than most of my vinyasa classes. I mean that in the best possible way. If you've been running a lot, this might be a good one to do. It's still a vinyasa class, but we have some longer stretching holds.

Gentle Yoga ❤️

February 19th, 2021|

Gentle Yoga. Slow it down. This is a great low-intensity yoga practice for newer yogis, before bed, or anyone looking to just wind down. Meditation at the end.

Intermediate Handstand Vinyasa Flow

February 19th, 2021|

FREE handstand vinyasa flow class for those of you who just love to go upside down. Also, plenty of opportunities to get into pincha too. Oh, and core while we're at it... because core <3  This is a fast-paced, intermediate flow. Fun, fun, fun!

Legs by request

February 17th, 2021|

So this morning I had a request to work legs. Crazy bitch, I know. For realz 😉 But, instead of doing some long holds in crescent or bust out a million squats, I decided to take the opportunity to work outer glutes (medius instead of maximus). We tend to work our glute max a lot in yoga. Then if you're a runner, or a cyclist (includes those of us obsessed with our Peloton), we can start to develop [...]

Handstands + Core Fast Flow

February 12th, 2021|

So I got called out after class this morning 🙂 I kept referring to this class as candy. For me, a fast flow with lots of handstands and core is the easiest kind of class there is. I could do it for hours. I struggle with slow classes that hold poses. Apparently, during this class I kept insinuating that this was an easy class. Boy, was I corrected! It seems that was not an easy class; in fact, [...]

Ladder Flow towards king pigeon

February 11th, 2021|

The first thing I should say is that my balance suuuuuuuuucked today. I mean, it always sucks to some degree. If you practice with me, you know that, but it was especially bad today. I almost didn't post this class. But then I thought, "who cares?" Right? It's a process for all of us! I hope that watching me suck sometimes gives you permission for imperfection in your practice (and life) too. Apart from me sucking, this class [...]

Strength Focused Vinyasa

February 10th, 2021|

After a couple of days of lower intensity, this was a no-more-mr-nice-guy class 🙂 We work strength all over the place. Mountain climbers and vinyasas work shoulders and core, one-legged squats and bridge variants work glutes. Enjoy!

Side Body Stretch and Strength

February 10th, 2021|

Another slightly lower intensity class. Usually, what I mean by lower intensity is a slower pace and fewer vinyasas. That said, you can make any class higher intensity by really working depth in your poses. We do a fair amount of oblique work, so if you find side planks and oblique work challenging, you might now find this so low on the intensity scale.

Lower Intensity Twisting Flow

February 10th, 2021|

This is not an easy class, but lower intensity than some of my others. We do some twisting in our flow in this class. We revolve our triangle, half moon, and crescent. It's a slower class that will make you feel pretty good!

Relentless Upper body Ladder Flow

February 5th, 2021|

Do you love not holding poses? Do you love working a handstand into lots of vinyasas? This class is for you. We also do many dolphins and variations of dolphin. Your shoulders might have a little something to say after this class. That said, we don't hold anything for long, so it goes by fast! This is your shot of energy for the weekend! Have fun!

All Around flow with Traditional Sun Salutes

February 4th, 2021|

This is an all around flow practice. There is no shortage of vinyasas if you like that kind of thing. We get traditional with Surya A sun salutations, with the sanskrit count (a nice departure). Apart from that, we hit everything with a few extra eagles thrown in.

Pilates Core + Yoga

February 4th, 2021|

By request... core. Lots of core. Specifically, Pilates-inspired core. You're welcome! 🙂 We also do some yoga and we even take a minute to work on headstand.

Lots of Booty + Working Toward Grasshopper

February 3rd, 2021|

Ever finish a class and think, "yeah, my booty is gonna be talking for a few days." That's where I am right now. Skandasanas, squats, goddess poses and and figure 4 chairs get our legs nice and worked. On the bright side, I know that I have been going a little overboard lately on the flowing in and out of balancing poses and there is a real lack of that in this practice. Let me know what you [...]

Creative Vinyasa

February 3rd, 2021|

Every once in a while I teach a class that I really like personally. I like this one. It's different. We work lots of different variations of backbends for our vinyasas. The flows are different and interesting (and a little challenging). There is a lot of shoulder opening and hamstring stretching that I felt really good for the whole day after this class. Hope you experience the same.

Activation & Fundamentals

February 1st, 2021|

ooooh.... this is a good one. We start with some transverse abdominis activation (deep core muscle), then some glute activation. Then go into a flow that takes a little extra time to find deep expressions of traditional standing poses. Lots of vinyasas throughout. You'll be stretched out, worked out, and challenged to find a deeper yoga practice in this one.

Hamstring Therapy

January 29th, 2021|

This class by request. Umm... MY request. My hammies are sore. I started running a little again, lots of time on the Peloton, and some heavily lower body focused yoga classes, have left my right hamstring downright angry. So, here it is, hamstring therapy. We stretch, we move, we strengthen... not necessarily in that order.